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IPO & Mutual Funds

IPO or Initial Public Offer presents good opportunities for netting high returns on your investments in a relatively short period of time, provided you invest early. Wegmans Financial Services Ltd. have made investing in IPOs so simple. Now all you have to do is pick up your phone and contact us.

Wegmans Financial Services Ltd.

No paperwork! No queues! Simply pick the phone or log on to ourwebsite and place your order.

  :: Related FAQ
What is an IPO?
A company's first sale of stock to the public. Securities offered in an IPO are often, but not always, those of young, small companies seeking outside equity capital and a public market for their stock. Investors purchasing stock in IPOs generally must be prepared to accept very large risks for the possibility of large gains. IPO's by investment companies (closed end funds) usually contain underwriting fees which represent a load to buyers.

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